I’m Afanasy Barbarov. I live in Munich, where I design the future.

At the age of 8, I did not have access to a ZX Spectrum to begin my programming journey. However, I had a Subor Dendy keyboard, and I used it to learn touch typing ans some programming.

Despite being a cut-down version, the BASIC compiler on my Subor Dendy keyboard allowed me to start learning programming at an early age, even before it was officially introduced in school.

The Subor Dendy keyboard had a significant flaw - all typed content was erased upon resetting or in the event of an unexpected power outage.

After some time, I stumbled upon magazines that contained BASIC programs capable of performing various tasks. I attempted to retype one of these programs at a speed of only 5 symbols per minute (as I was still learning). However, after four hours, I discovered that my cut-down version of BASIC was incapable of compiling the program.

At the time, this was my initial realization that various aspects of the computer world may not function as intended. However, when I ultimately acquired my first computer, I was ecstatic. I eagerly anticipated playing all the games that I could borrow from my friends, but this resulted in the need to reinstall Windows on a weekly basis, at minimum.

Ultimately, I discovered that my hard disk drive was malfunctioning. However, prior to identifying the issue, I gained hands-on experience with various Windows operating systems, including Windows 95, 2000, NT, XP, and the newly-released Vista. This is why I like Apple and it's hardware and software;)

Fast-forward to the present day, I am employed as a Software Engineer, delve into cloud platforms, write blog posts, and sometimes take on a leadership role. Additionally, I occasionally venture out as a technical founder.